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We are the Energetic Materials, Rock Characterization, and Geomechanics Research Center (EMRGe).
As a multidisciplinary research institution, we are expanding on the research of energetic materials and geomechanics in a joint effort of subterranean exploration and national defense to address the many complex geomechanical challenges in subsurface engineering disciplines.
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Hall of Fame Competition 2025
Ansys Hall of Fame, PHD student Martin Langenderfer working with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Rutter in Explosives Engineering was the fourth runner up finalist in an International competition.
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Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles
Mater's student Ethan Steward works with one of our Researcher's Dr. Kyle Perry, Associate Professor of Explosives Engineering on Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles
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Using Glass Microspheres to Attenuate Blast Loading
Dr. Phillip Mulligan, assistant research professor of Geological Engineering, is designing a load cell sensor for measuring how materials absorb and transfer loads generated during an explosion.
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Researchers Study Impact of Contaminants in Flood Waters
S&T researchers are working with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the effects of contaminants on soils as well as rivers, lakes, ponds and groundwater through wells.
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Missouri S&T Explosives Researcher Studies Blast-Induced Brain Injuries
The research is part of a Department of Defense grant and is one of several projects associated with the Acute Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium, a partnership with the U.S. Army’s Fort Leonard Wood base.
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Research in traumatic brain injuries
Military background spurs Missouri S&T explosives engineering Ph.D. student’s research on traumatic brain injury.
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The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recognized Dr. Marek Locmelis, assistant professor of geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology, with a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, one of the NSF’s most prestigious awards. The five-year, $550,000 award will support Locmelis’ research into economically important metals such as nickel, copper and platinum.
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National Workshop: Resilient Supply of Critical Minerals
CRITICAL MINERALS WORKSHOP APRIL 26-27-2021 APRIL 28, 2021, FIELD TRIP This is the first of a planned series of national workshops, to be held biannually, that will focus on “Resilient Supply of Critical Minerals.” Workshops will bring together interdisciplinary stakeholders from academia, industry and government. Our goal is to provide a long-term collaborative platform to help implement action and disseminate research on critical minerals.
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- Understanding the effect of digging parameters on excavation forces using discrete element method- Dr. Kwame Awuah-Offei
- Integrated numerical-laboratory approach to evaluate cement sheath integrity at Mont Terri- Dr. Andreas Eckert
- Crustal Structure and Subsidence of the Williston Basin: Constraints from Modeling of Gravity Data: Dr. Stephen Gao
- Post Blast Forensics Training for Fort Leonard Wood USAMPS- Dr. Catherine Johnson
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- Graduate Fellowships in Nuclear Engineering at Missouri S&T 2025-2023- Dr. Hyoung Lee
- Stationary CT Design for Real Time 4-D Imaging of Traumatic Brain Injury- Dr. Hyoung Lee
- Development of Design Method for H2Ri Wicking Fabric in Pavement Structures: Phase II- Dr. Xiong Zhang
- Validation testing of LLNL onsite Energetic Material Transportation Containers-Dr. Catherine Johnson
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- Geopaths-Extra: Road Maps into Geoscience - Dr. Andreas Eckert
- First Ever Field Pilot on Alaska's North Slope to Validate the use of Polymer Floods for Heavy oil EOR - Dr. Baojun Bai
- Preparing Interdisciplinary Professionals for Rebuilding/Engineering Resilient Infrastructure of the Nation - Dr. Jenny Liu and Xiong Zhang
- Investigating the Pervasiveness of Complex Seismic Anisotropy and its Geodynamic Significance beneath Continents- Dr. Kelly Liu
- Explosives and Soybeans: Meeting the Need for a More Environmentally Friendly Explosive- Dr. Phillip Mulligan
- Detonations Synthesis of Nanomaterials- Dr. Catherine Johnson
- CARRER: Investigating the source, transport and deposition of economically important metals in the lower continental crust-Dr. Marek Locmelis
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- SCEC5 Year 4 Research Collaboration at the Missouri University of Science and Technology- Dr. Jeremy Maurer
- The LIBRE (Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor) Scientific Drilling Workshop: Drilling and Coring the Lake Izabal Basin- Dr. Jonathan Obrist-Farner
- Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles- Dr. Kyle Perry
- BlackBox Biometrics-Wearable Gauges-Dr. Phillip Mulligan
- Petro- Physics Property and EOR Potential Evaluation of Tight Oil Sands- Dr. Mingzhen Wei
- Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Advancing Arctic Prosperity through Infrastructures and Sociodemographic Resilience under the Effect of Permafrost Degradation- Dr. Xiong Zhang
- Snow and Ice Treatment Products Evaluation- Dr. Jenny Liu
- WORKSHOP: Resilient Supply of Critical Minerals- Dr. Marek Locmelis
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- RAPID: Assessing the fate of flood born contaminants- Dr. Jonathan Obrist-Farner
- Open-Field Blast Core Facility- Dr. Catherine Johnson
- Resource Evaluation and Technology Development- Dr. Lana Alagha
- Training on Public Reporting of Exploration Results. Mineral Resources and Reserves- Dr. Kwame Awuah-Offei
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Interested in discussing what research and manufacturing challenges we can help you solve? Please contact us.
Andreas Eckert
Director, Associate Professor of Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
573-341-4876 | fax: 苹果用什么翻墙上youtube | eckertan@mst.edu |
328 McNutt Hall